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“I’m Happy. How Are You?”

Hubby and I were sitting on the patio, sipping a glass of wine when neighbors we hadn’t met, were sauntering by.

“How are you?” I asked. 

“I’m happy,” the woman said in a high-pitched British accent. 

Her response was so refreshing, it literally vibrated inside of me. 

“Me too,” I said and we both chuckled.  

They stopped at the edge of our lawn.  

“May I walk over to you,” she asked. 

“Absolutely,” I responded, tickled by how delightful it is to meet and talk to new people. 

They stopped about six feet away and our one hour conversation began. 

She is from Britain. He is from the Bronx. They met at the Unification church, which according to her brief description encourages interracial, cross cultural marriages. Both their names start with J and so do the names of their four children. 

They are empty nesters now — she listens to music from different countries and dances for ten minutes each morning; he makes marmalades and homemade muscadine wine. Together, play Pickleball. 

He promised us figs from his garden. We promised them grapefruits this fall. 

She reminded me to dance! He reminded me to share.  

In our brief encounter, I am reminded of why I love interacting with people. We are inspiring in our own ways. 

Together, they inspired me to pen these words. 

Dance. Share. Create. Make Art. Take a Walk. Whatever you do — Be Happy.

Kadine Christie

I love connecting with you.

Who has inspired you this week? Drop me a line in the comment and tell me how. 

Seeking Supporters

I write for hours each day. I add, read, delete, and re-write until my brain stops and I’m staring at the computer screen. Then I go to bed, and at some point in the middle of the night I jump up, open my laptop and begin capturing the sentences I was trying to write the day before.

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What I’ve Been Doing

  • Sometimes you have to start at the end. This week, I skipped part two of my manuscript and started part three. I got the words out and in the end, that what matters:-)
  • Three of my articles will appear in iMOM this fall. Be on the lookout for 3 Ways to Teach Your Children to be Compassionate in September, Connect With Your Spouse using Ally in October and 6 Easy Ways to Notice Your Spouse in November. 
  • At Local Author’s Night, I read a medley of my essays from my first book, I Am Home Within Myself. It was exciting to hear from audience members. Watch it on my youtube channel and leave a comment.
  • I read Suliaman Addonia’s The Consequences of Love  two years ago and followed him on Instagram. I jumped for joy when his other book Silence is My Mother Tongue arrived via Amazon — if you use these affiliate links I will get a small commission. 

Kadine Christie

Cheers to Tiny Wonders and Mini Adventures

My YouTube 

I Am Home Within Myself

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