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The Gifts of Chestnuts

“I waited for you so we could try them together,” Zuri said

 and just like that,

I wanted to snuggle her face for the tenth time in ten minutes. 

She waited — Oh what gift it is when the young exercise patience and understand the value of shared experiences.

We zig-zagged through the crowd 

beneath Christmas lights 

beside strangers humming Christmas carols in Spanish as they sauntered by. 

Oh what gift it is to enjoy Christmas festivities in a different  country. 

We stopped at a stand 

flames sparked under a pot 

nuts crackled 

white smoke floated up and away

And the woman Roasting Chestnuts On An Open Fire handed me a white 

paper cone. 

Oh what gift it is to stand for a moment in a real life Christmas carol.

I peeled back the hairy outer shell, pried the nut out, and popped it into my mouth.

For years, I sang along to the Christmas carol

never experiencing the taste and feel of a chestnut.

Now, standing on the streets of Spain 

chestnut parachutes me to Jamaica. 

I’m a young girl on the island

standing over an open fire built with brem-brem.

I am retrieving the sweet potato from the heart of the fire 

and playing the hot potato game in real life 

switching it from hand to hand.

I peel the roasted potato, 

toss it into my mouth, 

and eat until I’m satisfied.  

Oh what gift is it to remember.

My palate is a child again, 

exploring new flavors in Spain. 

I think of all the foods in foreign lands that the earth offers us 

I think of all the foods I want to try.

Oh what gift is to share, taste, and dream of future travels.


What different foods have you tried this year? What would you like to try in the upcoming year? 


It’s official. I have a new literary agent and I really like her. For the next few weeks, I will be working on a nonfiction book proposal. This is new so please send all your positive vibes my way.


I’m reading In Every Mirror She is Black by Lola A. Åkerström.  Lola lived on three continents and she is based in Sweden. She is taking me to places I have never been and I don’t want the book to end. On the flip side, I can’t stop reading because I need to know what happens with each character–especially Muna. 

What are you reading? 


The poem I’m reading this week is Hope and Love by poet, Catherine Pulsifer.

Hope and Love

I am grateful for all the poems you sent me. I will be sure to read them in the weeks to come.


World of Colors

If you’d like to buy one of Ontonio’s paintings but your limited on space or funds, check out his merch page on

Ontonio DESIGNS+BUILD+MANAGE Websites. He created this beautiful blog for me. If you or someone you know would like a logo or website designed, please check him out at


I’m super thankful for all your support, encouraging comments, your expressions of gratitude, and your financial contributions. 


Until Next Time, Enjoy Your Next Breathaho2

Kadine Christie

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