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The quaking —

the deep, piercing, 

pushing into my back 

told my body it was time. 

It was time for the being in my belly 

to come into this world of 

dark and light. 

I printed the letters of my name

on the registration form

 … and the contractions 

stopped the ink from flowing. 

I  paused, breathed, 

and swayed my hips

to be in sync

with pain’s melody. 

There was no time for epidural —

nothing to ease the agony. 

Words I had not known 

fell from my mouth and the 

the nurses asked my husband if I spoke another language. 

“No,” he chuckled, 

“This is how she is when she is giving birth.

“She sings strange words.”

They laughed. 

We worked together, this being and I 

as It forced its way through me. 

I pushed a head, 

 shoulders, torso, and legs — 9lbs 10 oz — from my body.

On July 4, 2009

I — a woman who will

never question her power —

gave birth to her son.


♥ Kadine Christie


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