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I Think of Each Year As a Basket

I think of each year as

a large wicker basket, 

woven with strands of love, 

given to me 

to fill with  

intangible gifts.

I think of each month, 

as a a garden–

one I walk through  

swinging my basket by my side and 

stopping in each month to fill

it with moments and experiences 

like they were flowers.

This past year, 

In the months of January, March, and July, 

I became a mother of three teens — eighteen, fifteen, thirteen.

I made favorite dishes

for each of their birthdays

and celebrated Zuri, Zahara and Markolee, adding a year to their lives.

In February, we practiced letting go

As Zuri flew solo 

to visit her cousins and aunt in New Jersey.

Upon her return,

I exhaled when I saw her smiling face at the airport.

In April hubby and I turned 41!!! 

We sat under sunset skies, 

overlooking the waters of Mobile Bay 

ate a pork belly taco I can’t forget 

and drank a Mint Julep made just right. 

In May, we welcomed old friends 

into our home! 

We set an extra pot of espresso on the stove

and showed them our favorite places. 

We flew to Jamaica a few days later 

drove through eight of the fourteen parishes

visited our family, ate mangoes 

rented a little blue cottage in Negril

and waded through turquoise waters in Ocho Rios.

In June, 

We rented an RV and drove through several states

We enjoyed family in Missouri 

Watched the sun rise on the Mississippi river

And strolled through a RV Park that blew my mind in Kentucky. 

In August, I was reminded, that I won’t always fill my basket with flowery moments 

and there’s no hedge protecting us from heartbreak. 

We drove Zuri to the airport 

waved goodbye as she left home for four months. 

Markolee and I held hands and cried on our way home.

In October, we drove to Panama City Beach  

and soaked up the sun and sand in Florida

In November, hubby and I flew to Spain  

visited with our adult daughter

and celebrated our seventeenth wedding anniversary.

In December, we flew to New York,

listened to the sweet sounds of my niece and nephew’s voices

Laughed, dined, and danced with new and old girlfriends

and celebrated a major milestone with my sister.

As you reflect on the past year —

may you think of it as a basket that you too have filled with 

celebrations and experiences that entertained and enlightened you, 

pleasures and new places that made your heart swell with the sense of discovery, 

moments that made you decide to fully show up in this one life of yours and 

embrace its hardness and ephemeral joys. 


What moments and experiences did you put in your “basket” last year?


I submitted an article to a magazine in the UK, and I am thrilled to share it with you when its published:-)

Also, I am working on a nonfiction book proposal. This week, I hope to complete the first part of it which is the OVERVIEW. It’s interesting how I can write a 50,000+ word manuscript, but when it comes to condensing it into a few pages, I’m flustered. Send POSITIVE VIBES my way.


The Other Black Girl by Zakiya Dalila Harris is the book I’m reading. If you are a writer trying to get published the traditional way, this novel is giving a glimpse into the publishing world. I’m really soaking it up so far.

I would really like to know. What are you reading? 


This week’s poem is written by a dear friend of mine, Josh Davis.


Send me the poems that inspires, anchors, and encourages you. I would love to add voice to those words in the weeks to come.


If you haven’t had the pleasure of browsing through Ontonio’s art, do yourself a favor and head over to his website,


I’m super thankful for all your support, encouraging comments, your expressions of gratitude, and your financial contributions. 


Until Next Time, Enjoy Your Next Breath

Kadine Christie

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