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Last week I tried designing an Instagram post on Canva and failed, miserably. I asked Chris to help me, and within a matter of blinks, he created a masterpiece! So many years later and his artistic abilities still amazes me. Words tumbled out of my mouth and he interpreted them into shapes, colors and designed a perfect picture. The design was so clean and so clearly me, I couldn’t stop swooning over it and him, and all he said in return was, “babe, it’s no big deal…it’s not that serious.” And debate ensued.

“Yes, it is a big deal, why do you underestimate yourself much?” I asked.
” Well, you do the same thing,” he responded
“No, I don’t,” I said.
By now you would think we were five-year-olds bickering over a toy in the sandbox, but then he said something that stopped me mid-argument.

“You underestimate your cooking, but you are an artist in the kitchen.”

With all the effort I put into reading cookbooks, following chefs on Instagram and watching food videos on Youtube, it should not surprise me that my food is delicious. But there was something in the way he said this, that made me think, the hell with underestimating myself in the kitchen. The hell with wanting to share meals with my neighbor Barbara, but not doing so because I think it might be too spicy, or not to her liking.

Chris’ affirmation of my cooking inspired me to challenge myself and share meals with Barbara last week. She hummed as she ate a bowl of clam chowder and homemade naan bread. The humming got louder when I brought her homemade Kahlua whip cream, with fresh strawberries and an Almond Florentine cookie. Barbara’s response to the meals I shared with her could have been enough, but she also affirmed me with one of my favorite things: a personal note to say thank you and a request for the recipe.

In what ways do you underestimate yourself? 

As always, don’t be a ghost. Let me know you visited one of three ways. Click the ♥ button. Sign your name in the comment box or better yet, share your thoughts – leave me a comment.


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