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Magic and Medicine

When I lived in Jamaica, building a fire was necessary work — searching for brem-brem in Papa’s field, bundling the dried sticks, and bringing them to Mama. I watched her build the fire on which she would cook curry goat and stew chicken for dinner. 

I knew from an early age, that fire was Magic. 

Last week, I met with a group of women for a Phoenix Circle. We sat in silence for an hour and wrote letters to people we wanted to forgive. When we were done writing, we gathered around the flames. We listened as each woman read, then crumbled and tossed her letter into the fire. 

I know now that fire is Medicine.

The following evening, our family accepted an invitation to eat Chili and lounge by the fire. We ate the delicious serving of chili, rice, and cornbread.  The children played a rather loud game of Jenga, made S’mores, then walked inside the house to play Apples to Apples. As the adults sat around the fire, we could hear the children laughing inside, and my body let itself rest for the moment. 

There is no way to sit around a fire, to feel the warmth of it, and not feel at ease in great company. The fire is a loosening agent, a prerequisite for the unfolding. 

Fire is Magic. Fire is Medicine.  

Build a fire.

Invite Friends.

Sit six feet apart.

Feed on the energy of

stories and laughter.

Enjoy each other.

Happy Friday, friends. 

Kadine Christie

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