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Sometimes all we have to do is be intentional about finding miniature marvels in our days. Last week, I decided to pay attention to the events and people in my life, and I was amazed to find there was someone or something to celebrate each day.

A friend was having surgery and I made her chicken broth for her prep. She returned my glass jars with a bag of the most delicious homemade cookies.

Nancy taught the kids and me how to create glass mosaics. She brought all the items we needed to make miniature stepping stones. On the first day, we cut, smashed and glued glass. The second day, we mixed grout and added color of our liking, and the last day, we sealed it.

I made a simple comment on two of Jamie’s bread on Instagram. Two days later, she baked and offered me my first homemade King bread – inspired by the famous King Cake.

Our family of five snuggled on one couch and watched Angry Birds 2. While I just can’t seem to keep my eyes open for animated movies but halfway through, I got some Jolly ranchers, Oreos, and mixed nuts. They kept me up long enough to laugh at a few jokes, and kiss my kiddos goodnight.

After yet another disappointing appointment with a specialist, I came home feeling a little hopeless. My children asked if I wanted to play Scrabble. We played, and for almost two hours, doctors, medicine, therapy didn’t exist. Just me and my babies.

Miniature Marvels are happening everyday. I hope you are keeping your eyes and heart open to receive them.

Kadine Christie

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