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My Paris Journal : Day 6

Zuri and I went on a date. This is our first vacation together since she left for Spain and spent a semester in Tampa for college. I can’t believe she is 19 years- old and she is so in tune with her emotions, expectations, and has an extremely classy way of expressing herself. 

On this Paris vacation, she’s taught me that I should:

  1. Never talk about plans around people I don’t want to invite. 
  2. Don’t wait for a good day to wear a good outfit… today might be the day! 

I’m inspired by her. Proud is an understatement. 

The words on the washer are written in French and I DON’T have a dryer. Thankfully, Hubby came to my rescue again with his trusted French to English translator and I was able to get some laundry done. 

As I hang our clothes on a drying rack, I searched for the sun and prayed nature’s dryer stay on for at least seven hours.😂 

We crashed a party in Paris. 

Well, actually, we were invited by a neighbor to an end-of-year bash for children with autism. According to the founder of the organization, awareness of autism in France is not as great as it is in the States. Here, they have a small community where the kids gather once a week. (the parents are super grateful for this)

A community is a vital component to our sanity. Cherish yours.

Parisians parks are the IT place on the weekends. We ordered dinner, wine, and brought our blanket to the park. 

We’ve created so many memories, in so many places, on this blanket. From parks in California, beaches in PCB and now, a Parisian evening in park. One day, I will share all the little notes I’ve written on it:-)

Until Next time, 

Be Well, 


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