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Dancing With the Sun

Dancing with the Sun

The sun shone on a section of the backyard I hadn’t noticed before. My body yearned to be like the grass, to soak in the light and warmth of the sun.  So that afternoon, I moved my little black bistro table to said spot. I draped it with a white tablecloth and walked inside to prepare a tray of treats. 

I chilled a bottle of wine.

I opened a box of crackers and drizzled Balsamic Glaze over goat cheese. 

I put the treats and two wine glasses on the tray and invited my husband outside for a drink.

We sat in the light, reminisced, and made plans. 

The following afternoon, I waited for the sun to tell me where it would be, and when it did, I followed its lead. No matter how hard the day, I’ve been pausing in the afternoons. I’ve been dancing with the sun, sipping wine, and eating treats with my sweetheart. 

Cheers to Mini-adventures. 

Kadine Christie

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