Two years ago, Snoop Dogg, the rapper, gave a speech after he got his Star on the Hollywood Walk of Fame. He started the speech like anyone would by giving thanks. He thanked God, he thanked the people who supported him, and he thanked the people who battled against him. He said they challenged him and made his rapping skills better.
At the end of the speech, he said, “Last but not least, I want to thank ME. I want to thank ME for believing in me. I want to thank ME for doing the hard work, and I want to thank me for never being a quitter.”
His speech struck me because like many of you, we have not been taught to acknowledge and celebrate ourselves. Doing this has instilled a sense of false humility causing us to hang our heads at a compliment. We are unsure of when to raise a glass and celebrate ME.
So this week, in celebration, I am raising a glass to ME.
I initiated the search to find a place to write my new novel.
I tried writing in a shared office space but the constraints of sharing an office with the creativity of writing, just didn’t work for me.
I tried writing at the library, but within an hour it was so cold, my knees were knocking, my teeth were chattering and my fingers could no longer type.
I accepted my husband’s offer to use his office, but writing with his sweet face looking at me and asking me all sorts of questions didn’t work either. I was back at square one.
I reached out to the man in charge of the local writer’s cottage. After discussing my request to use it with the board members, he called and offered me the cottage — a space to write. We met and he gave me the keys.
I am proud of ME. I am proud that I can ask for what I need. I am proud to have a space to write my new book — one I started writing when I was thirteen years old. It has taken me a long time, and I am proud that I will be spending my life writing, telling stories, and sharing them with the world.
To my friends, the ones who…
Interviewed for a new job this week. I am proud of you.
Confronted your abuser. I am proud of you.
Acknowledged you are struggling with depression. I am proud of you.
Is a single mother who works full time and realized you needed rest. I am proud of you.
Decided it was time to get that hysterectomy… I am proud of you.
Is dancing for the first time in years without your life-long partner. I am proud of you.
May you all find a reason, like Snoop Dogg and Me to say, “I am proud of ME.””
You know I want to hear from you.
What are you proud of?
I want to celebrate with you.
Kadine Christie