“I hope tomorrow is a better day for you,”
Ontonio said in his smooth and steady voice.
It’s night time.
I’m tired. It’s been a long day.
A long week.
The car light cuts through the dark,
passing one mile marker after another,
taking me home but not quickly enough.
I usually love long car rides–
The hum of the car
zipping through the highway breeze
usually relaxes me.
But tonight I am tense.
I’d spent the day
worrying and pondering too much
about finding my way
in the world that seems
to be going too fast for me.
Tonight the forty-minute car ride is too long.
I’m ready to be home,
eager to peel back the duvet
nestle my body on the sheets
adjust my neck and
sink my head into my favorite pillow.
I’m ready to shut down
and close my eyes to the world.
The car light catches a patch of wildflowers.
In the dark. How? I wondered.
A match of joy strikes me,
just like it had last week

when I was picking collard greens
in my garden and noticed

the flowers had morphed into blueberries

and the strawberries had turned
from green to bright red.
At home,
I sank into Ontonio’s hug, then
I plunged just as easily into sleep.
I thought the following day–
I need to see
the wondrous golden light of sunset.
I drove to the yacht club.

It’s a stunning sight–

A small boat sailing over the water
through the setting sun.

A young man casting his net off the pier
A woman walking towards us with her dog.
“You’re such a beautiful couple.
Can I take a picture of you?” she said
in the most southern accent I have ever heard.

She reaches out for my phone and
I sidled under Ontonio’s arm,
in our usual pose–and I think
Today is a better day.
If today is a bad day for you my friends,
Tomorrow will be better.
If you know someone who could benefit from writings on marriage, parenting and mindful living, please share this blog post with them.
Are you having a bad day? What usually makes you feel better? The sunset, stroll in the park?
I wrote Is Our Family’s Best Sunday Dress Tradition Worth Fighting With My Daughter? For YourTeenMag. This online platform is for parents of teenagers. If you are raising a teen or know someone who is, head over to yourteenmag and share this article with them.
River Sing Me Home by Eleanor Sharer is at home on my nightstand. Do tell. What are you reading?
Ontonio was in the studio this week, and he has a vibrant piece to share.
It’s the braids for me. If this woman soaking up summer speaks to you— it’s for sale at Ontonio.com

Summer 16x 20
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As always, I’m super thankful for all your support—encouraging comments, expressions of gratitude, and financial contributions.
Until Next Time, Enjoy Your Next Breath