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Yesterday, we accepted a text-invitation to walk through an orchard. We dropped everything and prepared for a mini-adventure. Each person in our household is aware of their role when we are heading out. Markolee filled the water bottles, grabbed his bicycle and put it in the truck. Zahara took the blankets and basket down, and Zuri packed the fruits and snacks.

I decided to do something bold and challenge myself to purchase lunch for $10.

Hubby and the kids chuckled at my plan, wished me good luck, and dropped me off at the store’s door. I purchased two loaves of French bread, a quarter pound of ham, and smoked Gouda cheese ( I’m fancy ah?).  I also purchased treats: a box of Milk Duds for the kids, and a bottle of wine (on sale) for hubby and me. When I got back to the car, everyone asked for the receipt, and it was announced that I spent $10.90. I went over the budget, but they all cheered!

With the music up, we drove to the fields. We grabbed our bags and strolled through the satsumas trees and kumquats orchard, scurried pass the bee farm, and sauntered beneath the pine trees. When the trees cleared, there was an ocean of purple, red, and yellow wildflowers shooting from the earth and swaying in the wind. We hiked for almost two hours, then stopped and spread our blankets beneath a large Oak tree.

Refreshed, and full from our $10.90 lunch, we continued our hike. Markolee rode ahead of us, and when he screamed our names out in jubilation, we moved our feet a little faster. We found him, standing in awe, at the edge of a creek.


A creek that made us pause and look out at the majesty of the water and the land before us.

We are in a moment of pause, friends.

Look out at the faces you get to share this life with-

Smile with them until you laugh, and your cheeks hurt, or you pee your pants.


Challenge yourself to make the best picnic lunch for under $10 – and send me pics:-)


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