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Three Meals, Five People For Under Twenty-five Euros. 

Welcome to My Paris Journal : Day 9

I fed my family-of-five three meals for under 25 euros. 

Ontonio and I had coffee on the balcony. Then we left for the market while the kids were still asleep.

The workers were fixing the front of the bistro Ontonio had coffee last week. On our way, the heat and scent of tar was so strong, the children walking by covered their noses. On our way back, the men were pouring water over the tar to cool it.


Then we spotted this old letter and suitcase on the side of the road. Can’t imagine tussling with a wheel-less suitcase anymore. 

I love walking past the flourist and seeing the pretty displays. 

I ate one of the sweetest nectarines ever on Sunday. I bit into it and was like “Wowwww!”

Markolee heard me, and laughed.

“We thought the same thing when we ate ours.” He said. 

I imagined my three babies sitting on the porch, biting in the sweet fruits of nature. So grateful for the memories they’re making together here.

That’s my face when Ontonio said, “I don’t mind having Mushroom Crostini, as long as it has BACON on it😜” 

I heard baguette is a way of life here but that is an understatement. I kid you not, everyone has baguette in hand, at random times of the day.

I especially love seeing the children munching on theirs. It brings back a lovely memory of being a girl in Jamaica. After school, my friends and I would buy half of bread and butter and eat it on our way home.

I cheated on my Boulangeries, and had an affair with Ontonio’s favorite bakery. I must say, his spot has much better, softer, more buttery croissants. My bakery, however, has a superior baguette. The baguettes are always hot and she serves them to me with a warm smile. 

At home, Markolee made scrambled eggs and croissants for breakfast.( Unfortunately, I editing my book proposal, so I missed the photos.)

I made Mushroom and Bacon Crostini

…and Tomato, Bacon, and Tarragon Crostini for lunch

My little foodie is always ready to eat! This is the second time she came into the kitchen to ask if dinner was ready.

and Turmeric Chicken, Rice, and Salad for dinner

We were seated by 7:30, so we were pretty proud of ourselves for getting closer to the French dinner time of 8.

Until Next time,

Be well


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