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French Neighbor’s Favorite Boulangerie and Spectacular Eiffel Tower Lights


Welcome to My Paris Journal: Day 18

“We are walking for bread,” Ontonio said as we strolled to my French neighbor’s favorite boulangerie. 

We smiled at the simplicity of getting what we need without the excess.

We walked past an art gallery, and I had to pause and admire this unfinished piece. 

Look at all those tomatoes of all shapes, sizes, and colors.

I tried chocolate instead of raisins and I must say… I missed RAISINS. 

This establishment was so eccentric. Someone had a dream to bring the beach to the city of Paris and they FOLLOWED through. There’s actual SAND on the floor inside!!

I was seriously on the couch at 9:30PM, thinking of ways to back out on the day’s plan to see the Eiffel Tower light up. I felt so weird walking out of the house —with the kids—into the dark night! But two metros later, we arrived just in time to see the sparkling lights. 

I won’t say much about the metro ride back. 

The man and woman arguing in two different languages. The two men arguing about a cat on leash. This said cat meowing the entire thirty minute ride back.  

Until Next Time, 

Be Well, 


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