“This sale is historic,” our realtor said. Flashback a few months. Sitting on this balcony was like watching a live show everyday.Ontonio and I are in Paris, pouting about returning to Alabama, when we made a Kadine-and-Ontonio decision. Some might call it crazy, but that’s what I absolutely love about US. Anywho.. It is a…
Welcome to My Paris Journal Day 21 I cried at the market. Before I tell you why, let me just say, I’m so proud of me and Ontonio. We got on the train and made it to Marché Bastille without using Wi-Fi or Google maps. The first time I went to the market, I had…
Welcome to My Paris Journal: Day 16 You remember Zuri’s French friend, Heidi? She sent me a photo of her grandmother’s Gabriella Crêpe recipe. I don't need to tell you how Authentic it is:-) I had several questions, and Heidi was gracious enough to voiced-messaged a few important details that weren't written on paper. I converted…
A. BOMB. IN. PARIS. The news came as I stirred blueberries, white wine, and sugar into a syrup for the bread pudding baking in the oven. Just last night, Zahara joined me in the kitchen. She broke the baguette into pieces as I mixed the custard. Now, she is sitting in the living room, announcing…
You know that saying: “It’s not the destination, it’s the journey?” I lived that maxim today. We left the apartment for Monument à la République, however, the three-mile journey unveiled treasures I did not foresee. At the Jardin Villemin, a group of young students, dressed in white, practiced their gold instruments, giving a sense that…